Here it is, ladies and gents, the last installment of the Metal Gods for elves and wizards. Next time, I'll be looking at how warriors, thieves and dwarves can devote themselves to the path of the Metal Gods!
The magic of sound and fury, of flame and fog, the ways of the Unmakers are the ways most readily associated with the Metal Gods. When Men first learned magical arts at the feet of their Elder God masters, it was most commonly to survive the deplorable conditions that even the most honored of human slaves had to endure. Cleansing food from mold, rot and disease; eradicating the rats and other vermin that infested humans' dingy quarters; even removing threats posed by other slaves; these were the ends to which the first Unmakers turned their rudimentary magics. With the outbreak of rebellion against the Elder Races, the Unmakers struck very dear blows early on and thus earned their place among the heroes who would become known as the Metal Gods. In the aftermath of the rise of the Dominion of Man, the Unmakers took the Sunken City as their capitol, but given their predisposition toward the destructive end of the arcane arts, were powerless to prevent it from sinking into the swamp that surrounded it -- and now entomb it.
Wizards and elves who follow the Metal Gods and choose to emulate the actions of the Unmakers often find a natural predilection toward the destructive aspects of the arcane arts and may learn certain spells easier than others. When able to learn a new spell, he may learn one from the following list, provided he is able to spells of that level: (1) Flaming hands, (2) Shatter, (3) Fireball, (4) Control fire. The devotee may learn these spells without any chance of failure. Unlike those who learn the magic of making, Unmakers gain no additional specialized knowledge.
Roll | Patron Taint
1 - The caster feels compelled to sing the verbal component to every spell he casts. If he needs to cast quietly or to specifically not sing while he is casting, he may attempt a DC 13 Will save to resist the urge to sing. If the caster rolls this Patron Taint a second time, his singing of the verbal components of spells cannot be resisted or controlled and sounds as if music is being forced through the words he sings [For players, this sounds like a Peter Frampton-esque vocoder -- Adam]. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster permanently speaks with a voice like music forced through sung words; while this effect can be distracting, confusing and sometimes inappropriate, it has the side benefit of making any words or phrases spoken by the caster intelligible to any creature that has a language that can hear him. Please note that magical incantations may not be understood in this manner and that this effect gives the caster no special ability to understand languages he does not already speak.
2 - If this result is rolled, the caster feels compelled to decorate his face with make up in a manner resembling a corpse (chalky skin, dark wells around the eyes, etc.); if the caster doesn't have access to materials that would allow him to imitate this styling, or chooses not to imitate it, he must make a DC 15 Will save every day or take 1 point of Luck damage until he fulfills the compulsion. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster's physiology changes such that, whenever the caster wakes from sleep, he discovers that his face is covered in a coat of make up-like oils that are mimic the style discussed above. The caster may remove this make up voluntarily or under duress, but it will return during the caster's next sleep cycle. Upon rolling this result a third time, the transformation is permanent, the caster's skin taking on an ashy and corspe-like appearance that cannot be removed. While he may no longer look like a one of the living, he is at least not shunned by the dead: undead view the caster as one of their own and will not attack him unless provoked.
3 - After rolling this result, the caster finds himself biased against all members of the Elder Races, even if he is a member of an Elder Race; this bias manifests as aggression, hostility and generally pugilistic intent. When presented the opportunity to attack a member of an Elder Race, the caster must make a DC 13 Will save to resist the urge. If this result is rolled a second time, the DC of the will save to resist increases to 16 and if rolled a third time, it raises to 20.
4 - Upon rolling this result, the caster dreams nightly of the Elder Race warlord that the Metal Gods have chosen for him to slay. Under a geas from the Metal Gods, the caster takes 1 point of Luck damage per day until he begins the 2d3 day trek to confront this warlord and his gathered forces. If this result is rolled again, the Metal Gods recognize the caster as their champion and call upon him to serve again. Placed under a second geas, the caster takes 1 point of luck damage until he begins the 2d4 week journey to depose the Elder Race ruler of a small dominion on the edge of civilization. Upon rolling this result a third time, the Metal Gods call upon their champion one last time to rid the world of the growing threat of an Elder God duchy or kingdom of various united tribes far from civilization; similar to before, this geas causes 1 point of Luck damage per day until the caster begins his 2d5 month journey to this kingdom to bring about its ultimate doom.
5 - One round after rolling this result, metal spines begin to push their way through the caster's skin. On the caster's next turn, he takes 1d4 points of damage and 1 point of Stamina and Agility damage as these spines erupt up the caster's body; once through the caster's skin, the spines will fall out in a day. Should this result be rolled a second time, it is metal spikes, rather than spines, that force their way through the caster's skin at his joints -- his shoulders, elbows, knees and so on -- as if they were parts of those joints cast off by the wizard's body. This process causes 2d6 points of damage and 1d3 points of Strength, Agility and Stamina damage and, unless the caster makes a DC 15 Fortitude save, stuns the caster for one round as he is wracked with pain. These spikes last a day, during which time the caster's unarmed damage is improved by one die. If the unlucky caster receives this result a third time, the spikes are permanent and more prominent; the damage from these spikes increases to 3d8 plus 1d5 points of Strength, Agility and Stamina damage. Furthermore, the caster's unarmed damage increases by one die and improving his Armor Class by one. The wounds from these spikes never completely heal and one hit point worth of damage is permanent and unable to be healed even via magic so long as the spikes exist; the weeping wounds caused by the spikes often make onlookers uneasy, as well.
6 - The night after rolling this result, the caster's dreams give him his first glimpse of the Valhalla-like celestial realm of the Metal Gods: a spiritual realm of eternal glorious warfare and resultant celebration with unending supplies of food and drink. Should the opportunity to visit the Metal Gods' realm arise, the caster cannot refuse. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster's dreams of glorious victory and triumphant carousing fill him with unabashed longing. Until the caster is able to visit the Metal Gods' realm, he must make a DC 15 Will save each day or take 1 point of Luck damage; this damage cannot be healed until the caster visits this realm. Finally, if this result is rolled one final time, the Metal Gods immediately summon the caster to their celestial realm, to partake in the glory of that realm. After 1d7 days of warfare, feasting, drinking and telling tales, the caster returns to the mortal realm, but must recuperate for 2d12 days to fight the resultant hangover or be at -5 to all attack rolls, spell checks and saving throws until the full term has been spent resting.
Well folks, there you have it. The last installment of the Metal Gods for wizards and elves for the time being. I may roll out with some patron spells down the line, but don't hold your breath. Oh, and if you missed the point of the Frampton vocoder on the voice, check out the following video.
Chains Unbound: The Magic of Unmaking
Wizards and elves who follow the Metal Gods and choose to emulate the actions of the Unmakers often find a natural predilection toward the destructive aspects of the arcane arts and may learn certain spells easier than others. When able to learn a new spell, he may learn one from the following list, provided he is able to spells of that level: (1) Flaming hands, (2) Shatter, (3) Fireball, (4) Control fire. The devotee may learn these spells without any chance of failure. Unlike those who learn the magic of making, Unmakers gain no additional specialized knowledge.
Patron Taint: The Metal Gods
When patron taint is indicated for the Metal Gods, roll 1d6 on the table below. When a caster has acquired all six taints at all levels of effect, there is no need to continue rolling any more.Roll | Patron Taint
1 - The caster feels compelled to sing the verbal component to every spell he casts. If he needs to cast quietly or to specifically not sing while he is casting, he may attempt a DC 13 Will save to resist the urge to sing. If the caster rolls this Patron Taint a second time, his singing of the verbal components of spells cannot be resisted or controlled and sounds as if music is being forced through the words he sings [For players, this sounds like a Peter Frampton-esque vocoder -- Adam]. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster permanently speaks with a voice like music forced through sung words; while this effect can be distracting, confusing and sometimes inappropriate, it has the side benefit of making any words or phrases spoken by the caster intelligible to any creature that has a language that can hear him. Please note that magical incantations may not be understood in this manner and that this effect gives the caster no special ability to understand languages he does not already speak.
2 - If this result is rolled, the caster feels compelled to decorate his face with make up in a manner resembling a corpse (chalky skin, dark wells around the eyes, etc.); if the caster doesn't have access to materials that would allow him to imitate this styling, or chooses not to imitate it, he must make a DC 15 Will save every day or take 1 point of Luck damage until he fulfills the compulsion. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster's physiology changes such that, whenever the caster wakes from sleep, he discovers that his face is covered in a coat of make up-like oils that are mimic the style discussed above. The caster may remove this make up voluntarily or under duress, but it will return during the caster's next sleep cycle. Upon rolling this result a third time, the transformation is permanent, the caster's skin taking on an ashy and corspe-like appearance that cannot be removed. While he may no longer look like a one of the living, he is at least not shunned by the dead: undead view the caster as one of their own and will not attack him unless provoked.
3 - After rolling this result, the caster finds himself biased against all members of the Elder Races, even if he is a member of an Elder Race; this bias manifests as aggression, hostility and generally pugilistic intent. When presented the opportunity to attack a member of an Elder Race, the caster must make a DC 13 Will save to resist the urge. If this result is rolled a second time, the DC of the will save to resist increases to 16 and if rolled a third time, it raises to 20.
4 - Upon rolling this result, the caster dreams nightly of the Elder Race warlord that the Metal Gods have chosen for him to slay. Under a geas from the Metal Gods, the caster takes 1 point of Luck damage per day until he begins the 2d3 day trek to confront this warlord and his gathered forces. If this result is rolled again, the Metal Gods recognize the caster as their champion and call upon him to serve again. Placed under a second geas, the caster takes 1 point of luck damage until he begins the 2d4 week journey to depose the Elder Race ruler of a small dominion on the edge of civilization. Upon rolling this result a third time, the Metal Gods call upon their champion one last time to rid the world of the growing threat of an Elder God duchy or kingdom of various united tribes far from civilization; similar to before, this geas causes 1 point of Luck damage per day until the caster begins his 2d5 month journey to this kingdom to bring about its ultimate doom.
5 - One round after rolling this result, metal spines begin to push their way through the caster's skin. On the caster's next turn, he takes 1d4 points of damage and 1 point of Stamina and Agility damage as these spines erupt up the caster's body; once through the caster's skin, the spines will fall out in a day. Should this result be rolled a second time, it is metal spikes, rather than spines, that force their way through the caster's skin at his joints -- his shoulders, elbows, knees and so on -- as if they were parts of those joints cast off by the wizard's body. This process causes 2d6 points of damage and 1d3 points of Strength, Agility and Stamina damage and, unless the caster makes a DC 15 Fortitude save, stuns the caster for one round as he is wracked with pain. These spikes last a day, during which time the caster's unarmed damage is improved by one die. If the unlucky caster receives this result a third time, the spikes are permanent and more prominent; the damage from these spikes increases to 3d8 plus 1d5 points of Strength, Agility and Stamina damage. Furthermore, the caster's unarmed damage increases by one die and improving his Armor Class by one. The wounds from these spikes never completely heal and one hit point worth of damage is permanent and unable to be healed even via magic so long as the spikes exist; the weeping wounds caused by the spikes often make onlookers uneasy, as well.
6 - The night after rolling this result, the caster's dreams give him his first glimpse of the Valhalla-like celestial realm of the Metal Gods: a spiritual realm of eternal glorious warfare and resultant celebration with unending supplies of food and drink. Should the opportunity to visit the Metal Gods' realm arise, the caster cannot refuse. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster's dreams of glorious victory and triumphant carousing fill him with unabashed longing. Until the caster is able to visit the Metal Gods' realm, he must make a DC 15 Will save each day or take 1 point of Luck damage; this damage cannot be healed until the caster visits this realm. Finally, if this result is rolled one final time, the Metal Gods immediately summon the caster to their celestial realm, to partake in the glory of that realm. After 1d7 days of warfare, feasting, drinking and telling tales, the caster returns to the mortal realm, but must recuperate for 2d12 days to fight the resultant hangover or be at -5 to all attack rolls, spell checks and saving throws until the full term has been spent resting.
Well folks, there you have it. The last installment of the Metal Gods for wizards and elves for the time being. I may roll out with some patron spells down the line, but don't hold your breath. Oh, and if you missed the point of the Frampton vocoder on the voice, check out the following video.