Not Quite the Inevitable Post GenCon Post

The lovely +Kathryn Muszkiewicz and I got back from GenCon on Sunday around 9-something pm.

The preceeding six days (yes, six; we don't do half measures in Kickassistan) were intensely difficult to say goodbye to, to relinquish to history.

The following day I spent at home because my hoarse throat made it difficult to talk for very long, which is what I do for a living.

Miscreants, all
But everything between Tuesday and Sunday was fantastic. Doubtless, you'll be hearing tales of this GenCon for months to come. Doubtless, folks who weren't there will feel the flames of their envy fanned for just as long. Doubtless, we who attended with wail and gnash our teeth in consternation about how next year can never match up to this past one. And, doubtless, we will be wrong.

I'm not here to enumerate the amazing things that happened this year, that will come later. Instead, let me just express my real and enduring gratitude to everyone I got to spend time with. Thank you for being there. Thanks for rocking with me. Thanks for kicking each and every ass. I wish I'd had more time to spend with all of you, too. So many folks I felt like I only saw in passing, but I had wanted to catch meals with, have a beer with, or bend the ear of with one of my long and punchline-free stories. And then there's the folks who couldn't make it to GenCon who we all agreed needed to be there. The +Jason Hobbses, the +Ray Cases, the +PJ Muszkiewiczes, +Dak Ultimaks, +Cory Gahsmans, and so on.

I'm not sure I know how to go through and talk about each amazing thing that happened during GenCon, and I'm not sure that I want to. That's not what this post is about. Rather, let me say that this past week in Indianapolis brought into sharp focus two clear facts:

  1. The DCC Community is the best damn gaming community I've ever seen, much less been a part of. The Metal Gods team doubly so.
  2. However much I've already made, already created, I'm ready and pumped to make more and better things. We're just getting started, folks. 
And so, I can't even start to parse out what actually happened at GenCon; I'm still busy with this feeling that GenCon left me with. Hopefully soon I'll be able to discuss more, but I wouldn't count on it.